ELAN: Development of multimedia-based course content (2006)

Team: | Thorsten Hödl, Jonathan Haig |
Year: | 2006 |
Duration: | 2002-2006 |
Is Finished: | yes |
Contact person: Thorsten Hödl
Idea and Aim:
The aim of the ELAN-project is networking of E-learning activities of universities in lower saxony under a higher-ranking organisational structure.
The main actors in the phase I of ELAN were the three pilots, which were chosen in an state-wide proposal in the year 2002.
- Carl von Ossietzky-University of Oldenburg / University of Osnabrück ("epolos")
- University of Hannover / Hannover Medical School / Technical University Carolo-Wilhelmina of Braunschweig
- Georg August-University Göttingen / Technical University of Clausthal.
After establishing the organisational structures in the first phase of ELAN, the aim of the second phase (since end 2004) was the systematic and broad supplement of the generated courses and services of the pilots in the context of a university comprehensive collaboration. Therefore ELAN was complemented by new partners (e.g. University of Lüneburg, University of Hildesheim), which enrich the network with their courses and services.
More information about ELAN can be found at: www.elan-niedersachsen.de
Parallel to the organisational development of the pilots, high qualitative courses were generated. These courses are the second pillar of ELAN, the content portfolio. Courses were developed thematic-, faculty- and university-comprehensive in four content areas.
The activities of the IPI took place in the content area II “planning, building and designing”. Several courses were generated, which support the lectures of the new designed bachelor courses. Moreover courses were developed, that can be used for private studies. Dependant on the aim of the course, it was implemented in German or English. The following two figures show examples of two developed courses:
Since 2007 successive project ELAN III without participation of IPI.