FerGI: E-Learning content in geoinformatics (2006)

Team: | Thorsten Hödl |
Year: | 2006 |
Duration: | 10/2003 – 12/2006 |
Is Finished: | yes |
Research group: Multimedia teaching
Contact person: Thorsten Hödl
In cooperation with:
- University of Osnabrück, Institute of geoinformatics and remote sensing (IGF)
- Leibniz University Hannover, Institute of cartography und geoinformatics (ikg)
- FH Oldenburg, Institute of applied photogrammetry and geoinformatics (IAPG)
- Network of competence VIA-On-line of the Universities of Hildesheim, Lüneburg and Oldenburg
Idea and aim:
FerGI is the largest E-Learning-project in the field of geoinformatics and remote sensing in Lower Saxony so far. As opposed to other projects the aim of FerGi is not to cover the whole GIS-curriculum of the participating universities. But rather FerGi concentrates on the development, the evaluation and the application of high qualitative, small and hence flexible E-Learning-modules of actual topics in the field of geoinformatics and remote sensing. The modules are appropriate for complement of lectures as well as for private studies.
Overall 24 modules were developed, that can be assigned to the fields of acquisition, management, analysis and presentation of spatial data and on the applications based on these fields (figure 1). The modules do not cover the whole program of studies, but have a range of 0,5 to 2 credit points in the European Credit Transfer System (ECTS). The modules can be combined easily and are flexible to apply. This leads to a better acceptance of lectures and students and increases the use of the modules.
The primary target group of the modules are university students, but the modules are also appropriate for other persons for further education. Dependant on the topic, the aim and the target group of the course, it was implemented in German or English.
The modules can be tested free of charge at: www.fergi-online.de
Since 05/2007 successive project FerGi+ without participation of IPI.