Gig3D – Development of an optical 3D high speed measurement system for three dimensional observation and analysis of highly dynamical processes (2011)

Team: | Dr.-Ing. R. Schmidt |
Year: | 2011 |
Duration: | 1.03.2009 |
Is Finished: | yes |
Cooperation with:
Background and goal
For the three dimensional surveying of crash tests the registration of the car occupants during impact as well as the position of the airbag is of great importance. With the planned measuring method and measuring system a complete and accurate three dimensional registration of the situation at any point in time will be possible. The application of the optical measuring system allows for a higher reliability and accuracy than existing measuring systems.
Tasks and methods
In this project a fully automated measuring system for the calculation of dense three dimensional surface models is being developed. New high resolution high-speed cameras and up-to-date developments of digital image matching will be applied. Compared to on the market existing systems Gig3D renounces structured light and only uses the available texture of the object for the matching. Hence, this yields a fundamental new application area particularly for highly dynamical three dimensional analysis of the shape of objects. The software components are based on highly effective image matching methods for the evaluation of at least two overlapping images per time step.